7 Incredible Ways to Look Even Smarter Than You Are.


Looking smarter is something that all of us want to achieve. Being smart, a person can have a better personality and an improved livelihood. Apart from being successful, attaining smartness is equally mandatory in the modern era for representing your existence in the world. Ways to Look Even Smarter Than You Are

But how to look or deal smartly with others that may help you seem more intelligent? Regardless of the degree, an individual has in education, here is the list of 7 incredible ways to look even smarter than you are.

1. Keep a subtle smile.

It is scientifically proven that the curvature of the mouth (mainly a delicate smile) can do wonders for your personality. It helps you look more intelligent and formal throughout the day. Keeping your eyes open while communicating can enhance your persona. Also, the people surrounding you may feel the positive vibes from you attracting them to you unlike before.

2. Clear eye contact.

It is considered that the eyes are the mirror of the heart. They tend to go according to each of your emotions. So it is important to make very clear and decent eye contact while staying amongst the people. As per the statement made by Nora A.Murphy (an associate professor at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angles), “ Looking at others while speaking is the most important way of judging anybody’s intelligence”. Hence, a gentle look is required while having a conversation to give the signs of your smartness to others.

3. Clear speech.

Speaking pleasantly and enhances the probability of an individual impressing the other person during a meet. While having a round table dinner, it is the most important weapon to make let the audience understand your level of smartness. Whereas using the lengthy words that too in a very unclear way can lower down your chances to look any sort of intelligent. In its place, it can become a point of fun or a nuisance for others. Thereby, try to speak clear and pleasantly as much as you can.

4. Using middle initials.

As per the European Journal of Social Psychology, Scientists have revealed that using and presenting the middle initials is one of the important tactics to enhance the positive assessments of people regarding you. This way is so easy and applicable to improve your smartness. This way helps the people in your surrounding to judge you positively. Through this, they can understand your knowledge, achievements, and internal capabilities very openly.

5. Maintaining your weight.

This may seem a little awkward to you but is a scientifically proven fact. Losing extra fat from your body helps you get more attention from the people nearby. You may look more conscious about your diet schedule and body which can be an impressive point for others. A study done in Czech revealed that narrowed faces are directly linked with the attractiveness and intelligence of a person. The thin chin with a long nose makes a person look more smarter and influential to others.

6. Keeping open eyes in a decent manner.

The way you are looking towards the other erson is another factor that can have an indirect effect on your smartness. A person can look more confidential and impressive with a decent look of eyes. On the other hand, people having drooped eyes are considered less intellectual. Apart from this, the sunken eyes do also represent the unwillingness to work. Thereby, it is important to keep your eyes open with a truly decent look.

7. Wearing appropriate glasses (especially the thick ones).

This is another point that may seem a little obstinate to you. But it is observed that the people wearing thick glasses look more attractive and smarter than others. This method helps a person judge you as intelligent, even if he is a stranger to you. Ways to Look Even Smarter Than You Are

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