5 Must-Do Exercises To Remain Belly Fit.


A healthy body is an essential need for all of us. Everyone loves to remain fit with a better shape of the body. A slim body with a wavy structure does not only help to attain a better personality but also keeps an individual healthy and active. Exercises To Remain Belly Fit

The only problem is the building up of this kind of body. If developing six-pack abs would have been easy, all of us might have had them.

But the actual challenge remains with the effort that is required to figure them out. The hard and tactic stuff is knowing and doing the exercises to burn your “stomach fat” at a continuous pace. Along with the remaining body structure, a curvy tummy is a love for personality maintenance.

Especially in the case of women, a slim stomach is a must. In this chain, we would learn about five important exercises to remain belly fit. Doing them regularly can keep you active with a slim body structure, most importantly your belly.

1. Bicycling or the bicycling exercise.

Even if the trend of riding a bicycle has been drowned in the past few years, the benefits of riding the bicycle remain the same. Bicycling is a great way to lower the harmful effects of any cardiovascular disorders. Along with this, it helps lowering down your weight burning excessive calories in your body. On average it may vary burning of  250 to 300 calories during a half-hour bicycle ride.

For the persons, bicycling is not possible, can opt for simply its exercise at home. A person can simply do it by laying down on the floor positioning the feet in bicycling position. Doing this can burn your belly fat at a faster pace.

2. Walking or running.

A morning walk or slow running can do wonders in keeping your belly fit and curvy. Along with the routine exercise, simple walking for at least 30 minutes can efficiently build up the great shape of your body. Once your body starts moving, the fat settled in your tummy starts burning. The only investment for running and walking is a pair of shoes and a running tracksuit to keep you comfy while running.

3. The Captain’s chair leg raise exercise.

This fat-burning exercise does require only a captain’s chair. Mainly found in gyms, this chair comprises padded arm sets with some holding grips. Your legs remain free while doing this exercise. The protocol to carry out this exercise are as follows:

  • Stand up on a chair and grab hand bars placed over it.
  • Now keep your legs straight and raise your knees upto the chest region. Then lower down your legs in the back portion.

Do 2-3 sets repeating it according to your intensity.

4. Reverse crunch exercise.

The reverse crunch is one of the great exercises for strengthening your core along with reducing fat in your stomach. The protocol to do it is as follows:

  • Firstly, lie down on the floor keeping your arms on your sides.
  • Mow cross down your feet, lifting them off the floor.
  • Keep your feet such that your knees make a 90-degrees angle to the floor.
  • Bend your abdominal muscles and repeat the lifting process.
  • Exhale out while contracting your ab muscles and inhale while lowering it back.
  • Repeat the exercise doing it 2-3 sets a time.

5. Ball crunches.

Requiring a lot of stabilization, the crunches can burn down the excessive fat from your body. The way to do it is as follows:

  • Lie down on a ball such that your spine is supported comfortably.
  • Keep your feet straight over the ground.
  • Now place your hands across your chest portion behind your head.
  • Contract your abdominal muscles with your torso moving up and forward, lowering your back down.
  • Keep the ball completely stable while doing every crunch. Exhale while doing a crunch and inhale while lowering your spinal cord down.

Repeat the exercise 6-7 times.

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