When Chess Was Played With Original Characters And Humans For The First Time.


Nearly all of us love playing indoor games. They are something that enhances our intellectual skills and makes us feel more involved in game-related activities. Out of all indoor games, chess is one such game that fascinates many of us. chess played with original characters

Not only does it is developing the logical understanding, but also develops the decision-making skills of a person. This game is generally played over a chessboard with some character-shaped pieces.

But did you know about the chess players in real-life using real human beings and horses as the pieces of the character? If not, then this blog is for you. We would discuss the place and tactics the human chess was first played in the world.

The first human chess match, 1924.

The first human chess match was played in Russia in 1924. This historical place is the great land of Leningrad. Being turned into the huge chessboard, a large crowd witnessed the wonderful and historical chess match. More than a thousand locals gathered there to catch the glimpse of this unique chessboard.

Moreover, the legendry performance given by every player was something that thrilled the observers out there. More about this match is mentioned separately in this article under different head points.

Being a popular Russian game.

Even though chess has been a favorite game across many countries, it is one of the most popular games in Russia. Dating back to the times of Catherine the Great and the soviet union, this indoor game became so famous in Russia.

An individual may observe even a schoolkid playing it in their free time. Moreover, being it the young age, adult or an old person, everyone is well aware of the rules of playing chess. Everyone knows the tactics of winning this indoor game.

The virtual match on big ground.

Being one of the most popular games, chess was once played by real humans and characters on the great lands of Russia. This most uncommon form of the game was played on 20 July 1924. It was a ground named the Palace square (commonly called the Uritsky Square at that time) in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg was earlier known as the Leningrad during that period. chess played with original characters

Importance of the day.

The day of July 20, 1924, was so important not only because the human chess game was first played on the ground, but also being the day the FIDE World Chess Federation officially came into force. Thereafter from 1966, the International chess day also began to celebrate on this day.

The game setup.

Once the game was planned, a famous giant chessboard was selected in Russia. The two famous players of that time namely Ilya Rabinovich and Pyotr Romanovsky played the game along with their teams. Ilya Rabinovich opted to choose black pieces whereas Pyotr took the game along with the white guards.

Each of the pieces over the game was represented by the actual individuals. The arrangement included the red army soldiers as white pieces and the Red fleet was played as the black pieces.

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