5 Most Expensive Food in the World.


Enjoying delicious food is one of the important hobby for many of us. The tasty flavor with amazing stuffing tends to make watery mouths. Apart from this, the sky-touching prices of such delicious food can truly shock you up. Some food types cost more than even a gram of gold for a single bite. Most Expensive Food in the World

Did you ever wonder what makes them so costly? Have you ever stopped yourselves just by looking at the price tag? Or have you ever even explored such foodstuffs? Here is the list of the 5 most expensive foods around the world.

1. Saffron.

Topping the list, saffron is one of the most expensive food products available in series of edible materials. This product adds a different level taste and colour to your food. For instance, while having your yellow-colored rice, the saucepan along with saffron can make our food amazingly tasty.

The saffron is also known as “the red gold” due to its appearance and cost. This foodstuff is obtained naturally from the crocus flower in the form of small fiber-like substances. This spice is used both as a coloring and flavoring agent along with other edible things. The reason behind its costlier aspect is its origin.

It is considered that the saffron crocuses plant produces flowers only for 1-2 weeks annually that too in the autumn season. Its harvesting is done by hand where each flower gives only three stigmas. It means that approximately many crocuses plants grown in a large land area are required to obtain even a small amount of saffron, making it expensive.

2. White Truffle.

This edible stuff is obtained from the roots of some trees developing in the Piedmont area of Northern Italy. These truffles are rarest of all other types have a specifically remarkable taste and essence. White truffles can not be cultivated or farmed at a place.

They do grow by themselves that too at the wild regions at foot roots of tall trees. People of Italy need to visit the forests and search for them wandering from tree to tree. Once spotted are harvested and marketed by putting a price tag over their packing. The searching and harvesting process makes them so expensive to be bought.

3. Foie gras.

Foie gras is foodstuff obtained from the fattened liver of goose or duck (nearly to 12 times for the normal size). The practice of making and marketing the Foie gras is exploited since 2500 BC. These practices were made by the Egyptians of the older era.

They got the fact cleared that many birds once overfeeding could be used after fattening for the consumption. It has an ironic aroma with a buttery appearance. More, grass is extremely expensive due to its extraction and processing protocol.

Even though, the selling of Foie gras has been banned in many regions of the world (with the concept of biodiversity conservation) this is still an expensive thing people across the world are enjoying as food.

4. Wagyu beef.

This is also known as the “Japanese beef” as obtained from four different breeds of Japanese cows. This type of beef has an amazing level of fat content. For the processing, the meat of Japanese cows is primarily mottled with fat.

This fattening helps in making the cookig protocol easier for making a slice of meat tender well moistened. As per some of its lovers, this dish tastes a lot like a soft portion of fish. The high price of Wagyu beef is due to its processing which includes rearing, strict feeding, and fat marbling. consider as Most Expensive Food in the World

5. Caviar.

This edible stuff is acquired from the sturgeon fish. This fish is unbelievably rare and is complicated to maintain even in packing. The sturgeon fishes for making Caviar are majorly obtained from the Black Sea and the Caspian sea region. They are one of the expensive things to eat because of the exclusivity of this fish. Nowadays, this fish has entered the list of critically endangered but its eggs are sold with legal permission.

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