Max Weber Social Action. Sociology UPSC


Max Weber is known as the father of modern sociological thought. He was a major pioneer in bridging the gap between positivism and idealism. He chiefly used the Interpretivist approach. Supporting the use of the scientific approach, Weber focused on the micro-level of the individual. Max Weber Social Action

According to Weber “Sociology is a science which attempts the interpretative understanding of social action in order thereby to arrive at a causal explanation of its cause and effects”.

Explaining Max Weber Social Action.

  • Weber considered that the subject matter of sociology is to study social action.
  • An action can be defined as social action by the meaning attached to it by the actors. It also takes into account the behavior of others.
  • Weber used Social Action as the center of his theoretical agenda.
  • An action can be termed as social if:
  • some meaning is attached to it by the actor (The actor must be aware of his deeds). Such meanings are in form of inspiration for a person.
  • it is concerned with some other.

Features of social action.

According to Max Weber: Max Weber Social Action

i) social action comprises the behavior of all individuals.

ii) It attaches a subjective sense to it.

iii) the actor or the acting individual take into account the behavior of others.

iv) social action is concerned with and reoriented in its way.

Four forms of Max Weber Social Action

Zweckrational Social Action or rational action about a goal

  • This type of social action includes end or goal-related actions.
  • Being the most conscious action these actions are found to be more logical and the ends are rationally determined.
  • For instance, an engineer building a bridge uses certain materials in a certain manner to achieve a goal or aim.

Traditional Social Action.

  • In this form, the meanings of actions are extracted from certain beliefs and traditions.
  • It comprises the least sensible thinking over action.

Wertrational Social Action.

  • This form of social action is also known as value-oriented rational actions.
  • Their aim is determined by the ethics of the society and the actor takes logical action to fulfill that goal.
  • For example, a soldier lays down his life for his country. His action is not focused on attaining specific materialistic aims like wealth. Instead, he does this for the sake of certain values like righteousness and nationalism. Max Weber Social Action

Affective Social Action.

  • In this social action, the meanings are produced due to the feelings of an actor. For instance, hatred, love, anger, anxiety, etc.
  • For example, a girl being teased in bus slaps is her violent reaction toward the offending person.


  • The unfamiliarity of communal action.
  • Lack of knowledge of social structure in understanding truth, rather individual meanings was focused.
  • According to Parsons, social actions are not defined appropriately. The definition must include situational choices, constraints, and aspirations of the actor as well as the meaning of social action.
  • Weber contended objectivity which is not true.
  • Ignorance of some unintentional meanings and values of social action. Max Weber Social Action

Also Read: Emile Durkheim Religion And Society.