Facts, Values And Objectivity Sociology UPSC Notes.


Sociologists have different theories for explaining sociology as a disciple. Alongside, some sociologists have mentioned that Sociology as a discipline usages facts accurately whereas several others claim that values are inherent in any sociological study. Consequently, Fact, Value, and Objectivity are terms that are of great debate and importance in Sociology.

About fact.

The term ‘fact’ has been derived from the Latin word ‘factum’ which means ‘something prepared or done. It is an experimentally supportable opinion for society can think of as positive, actual, and inconvertible. The subject matter of natural sciences is also considered to be established by objective facts. Also, facts can be observed by our planned and audio-visual minds.

Sociologists like Durkheim have also made similar attempts giving the concept of social facts. However, there lies no contract even amongst sociologists themselves that which social facts are general. The consciousness of an individual cannot be dignified against dry realistic values.

Attributes of fact.

  • is an objective truths.
  • Fact is something that occurred.
  • It can be subjected to experimental study.

The existence of facts cannot be denied as it designates what is and not ‘ought’.

About Value.

Values comprise a large range of social data. For instance, sociological study is nothing else but the steady gaining of values by a child. Some of the characteristics of values are mentioned as follows:

  • Values are of subjective nature which arose as an outcome of biasedness, preferences, experiences, and beliefs.
  • Values tend to guide our aims, goals, objectives, and more specifically the actions.
  • These are a medium for social control.
  • The values can be cultural, personal, professional, temporal, or total based on situations.
  • The promotion of social values is important, otherwise, the values of the ruling class would dominate sociology.
  • As value findings are simply the formal terms of opinions and emotions originating from culture and men’s actions. Thus they are just preferences, doesn’t matter positive or negative.
  • Values are never rigid. They can differ from person to person.
  • Values are largely based on the relational concept as they picture a correlation between the presenter and the objects to which he is talking about.
  • Values can be right or wrong but never mentions about truth or falsification of a statement.
  • Values are essential in human society as they belong to the cultural framework of society.
  • They are helpful in social planning and creating policies.
  • Values tend to supplement facts and guide human behavior.

About objectivity.

Objectivity is defined as an approach wherein the attitude of an sociologist or scientist gets detached from the biasedness, prejudice, and freedom of values and multiple biases. It majorly emphasizes the aim or the object avoiding all the distractive elements.

Characteristics of objectivity are s follows:

  • Objectivity can be called off as the conclusion obtained as an outcome of any inquiry, experiment, survey, or investigation and are independent of color, religion, race, and political and moral biases of an investigator.
  • Objectivity pre assumes the value-neutrality and certainty about the result.

Also Read: Positivism And Its Critique UPSC Notes.