Have You Seen Turning Hairs White Overnight?


Multiple disorders are existing that can have certain direct effects on your hair. Either they may start falling or can get whitish at an early age. But have you heard of a syndrome that can change your hair from black to white in a single night? In this article, we would discuss such a unique case found in the world. Turning Hairs White Overnight

About the syndrome.

The Marie Antoinette syndrome is defined to be a disease when an individual gets his/her hair whitish suddenly. This condition has been named after its effects being observed in French queen Marie Antoinette. As per some biomedical sources, her hair turned white suddenly before her death in 1793.

Moreover, this color change is one of the key factors of growing age. Once you start growing older or attaining an age of about 40-50 years, your melanin pigments may start to decrease. Melanin is an important hormone responsible to keep your hair black. But this syndrome is known to have different reasons apart from aging.

Major aspects.

The Marie syndrome is a related form of alopecia areata. It is a sort of hair loss issue observed in many individuals across the globe. Even if the turning of hairs white is a normal condition, but changing in less than a minute is an important point to keep a concern. Turning Hairs White Overnight

With a view of research.

The research is a study of the occurrence of any phenomenon including the change, process, and cause along with the time required for this change to take place. In the case of this Marie’s syndrome, the researchers have clearly shown a red stick suggesting that the theory of sudden hair whiteness is completely invalid in their view. Even if there are multiple tales to run out with this myth, the scientific aspects of the syndrome are not yet proven.

Epidemiological attributes.

Apart from Marie Antoinette, many other famous personalities have reportedly experienced this change of hair color. One such person is Thomas More. He was a resident of the united kingdom. Suffering it before five ears of his execution in 1535, he has reported this issue of sudden hair whitening.

Other chronicles.

There have been multiple statistics throughout the world reporting this syndrome. One such report was obtained from the archives of dermatological source notes. These notes were obtained from the studies about bombing survivors of world war II. It is known that after they survived the greatest war, suffered from a sudden hair loss.

This affected them to such an extent that they started looking so old even at the age of 46. Along with this, Dr. Murray (a famous researcher) while attending an interview revealed in his article that no research to date has suggested a case of sudden whitening of hairs overnight. Far more, this could be as a result of regular whitening that consisted of a white head.

In another journal of the Royal Society of MedicineTrusted Source, it is mentioned that the sudden whitening of hairs overnight can be considered as to be linked with alopecia areata or any other environmental factor resulting out to be genetically associated. Also, it is suggested that it could be one of the aftereffects of a temporary hair dye.

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