Hunza Community –With the People Having an Average Lifespan of 120 Years.


Nowadays every person wants to lead a happy life and grow with an amazing immune system. Many of us try to get it through exercise, yoga, taking a healthy diet, and much more. But are still pretty susceptible to the diseases. Even a slight change in weather is harmful to health leading to a health issue.

This disease in either way acts just like an uninvited guest that slowly becomes part of life. Apart from these, certain serious heredity or environmental conditions affects our immune system to such an extent that surviving for at least complete 90 years gets so difficult. But did you know a place where the people with the strong immune system are residing? Did you know that there exists a region where the average lifespan of a person is between 120- 150 years? Let us learn about it in this blog.

The Hunza community (Pakistan).

This community named Hunza is a resident of Hunza valley located in the Northern part of modern-day Pakistan. The people of the Hunza community are capable of living for more than 10 years on average. This fact came into the headlines when a report from 1970’s National Geographic exposed out the people having such a long life.

The residents of Hunza valley developed their lifestyle in a truly differentiated manner that makes them efficient of surviving such long. The Hunza valley has fertile land with a good quality of soil. Certain other environmental conditions for supporting beneficial agriculture are amazing.

It is due to this great agricultural aspect, this land is separated from others reading a different life from the nearby regions or say the rest of the world. Since it sied at a very high altitude, the people in nearby villages show unwillingness to travel such long to just have dinner all together.

Thereby, the people of only Hunza are talented enough to carry out all their tasks by themselves. Apart from these attributes, the Hunza valley has an acoustic scene of the valley that makes our father think of its gorgeousness. Subsequently, this valley went fortunate enough to form the basis of Shangri La in 1933 and lost horizon.

Their average lifespan.

The exact age of the Hunzanians is not yet decrypted but they are known to live an average life of 120 years. It is just revealed by the physicians by making certain examinations by looking at their nearly fit bodies and physical strengths.

Apart from all such reports made regarding their age, the basic truth is that all the old people residing in this region are fit. They are capable to do the things normally done by an adult. They have an incredible immune system that makes their body vital enough to fight any diseases at a normal instance. They hold this characteristic of getting less susceptible to diseases even today.

Their best immune system.

The first reason behind their remarkable immunology is the environment they do live in. Te Hunza valley of Pakistan is a mountainous region with an uneven plain area. There are small villages located at different patches of land. Some villages are old more than thousands of years ago. On the other hand, some are known to be lying between 100-200 years of history. With all this Hunzanians have to climb the cliffs and rough terrain that makes their body strong enough to overcome the hurdles related to lives.

About their diet.

Hunza community is residing on the best fertile land where they can grow multiple crops and sustain on that. The pure crop they get to eat is the first thing that provides them with an amazing diet and power. These people eat plant-based products. Since they do not have the animals to make any meat or porshe but have to eat the plants even raw sometimes. Some fruits like apricots, grapes, plum, cherries, and peaches are all they cultivate in their lands. Along with this, they grow some grains like millet, pulses, wheat, and barley to have their daily food.

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