Meet world’s First Person to Take a Selfie.


Selfie is something doing the trends in the modern-day world. By now, many of you might have got habitual of capturing the snaps during the events. First Person to Take a Selfie.

And if it isn’t so, then you should know that taking a selfie has become conventional to the place where ever you are, being it your workplace or the party lawn.

Nowadays, people don’t feel any awkwardness in taking photos in the public area, and with the availability of many filters over social media, a person can use it for time pass also. But did you wonder about how this trend came into origin? Let’s detail out this viewpoint a bit more.

History to “the first selfie”.

In 1839, a photography fanatic and amateur chemist named  Robert Cornelius took a selfie for the first time. He decided on his family’s chandelier store to capture a picture of himself by setting up the camera in his front and then rushed to get into the frame. Even though this selfie has completed approx.

182 years, is still considered to have created a history in its way as it was the very first click to be taken, that too during the times when a large population was poor enough to afford a smartphone or the camera.

As per the description under one of the articles about this selfie in the US government’s Library of Congress, “ The self-portrait of Robert Cornelius is alleged to be the most primitive existing American portrait image”.

When it was asked about the protocol of taking the snap, Mr. Cornelius mentioned that it was truly tricky to get that one. He mentioned that “I ran from one place to the other to find an extemporary lightening, but my efforts left futile many times and then tried to get my head and shoulders in a selfie using a container fixed with a lens on an opera glass”. Further, I stood giving a stern look facing the lamp for clarity, just a little away from the middle.

More to go About First Person to Take a Selfie.

After the initial entry made by Mr. Cornelius to the selfie’s world, another picture of self was netted by  Buzz Aldrin, an astraunaut while leaving for the Gemini 12 mission.

  • This selfie was taken in 1966 and became the first picture taken in outer space.
  • Further in 2002, the word “selfie” for a self-portrait was brought into being.
  • Lately, this word received the title of “word of the year” by  Oxford English Dictionary in 2013.
  • According to Oxford, a selfie is defined as a photograph taken of own, using a webcam or smartphone which is uploaded on social media.
  • In 2002, a drunk Australian on his 21st birthday, getting his lip surgery at a doctor’s cabin took a selfie and posted it with a caption asking sorry for bad focus and explaining it as a selfie.

The trend of taking selfies emerged out to a great extent by the year 2005. Initially, people started to post their self-portraits on a networking site called Myspace.

In a viewpoint to honor this trend, June 21st was then declared as “National selfie day’ by DJ Rick McNeely, a host of Fishbowl radio network.

The selfie trend has now become popular worldwide adding on an extra flavor to our social lives. Being it Ellen DeGeneres’s viral Oscar selfie or the one taken by India’s prime minister Shri Narendra Modi, the selfie is sharing a commonplace in everybody’s smartphones.

The more we are getting digital and entering a new era of technology, the more we are achieving along with capturing our best moments with “Selfies”.

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