The Auroville Village- A Place With No Religion, Politics, Or Money Concept.


We are surviving in a place having richness in aspects of religion, diversity, money, and politics. But did you know that there is a place on the planet where there is not a single follower of the concept of money, politics, or religion? In this blog, we will learn more about this place to get the key knowledge of its culture. Auroville Village

Being peaceful.

Beautifully settled in the heart of Viluppuram district, Puducherry in Tamil Nadu is a peaceful place worldwide. It is the only place comprising people of different regions living together with no specified religion. No one living there is aware of the money concept. The Aurovillians even do not know about paper money transfers. Abiding the rules of politics, the money system, and religion, you must know about Auroville, a wonderful city of Dawn.

As per an article “The Auroville city is predestined to be an entire town comprising of both men and women belonging to nearly all the countries, all the religion and from different backgrounds”. Moreover, this togetherness is decorated with the peaceful lifestyle and abandonment of any money concept. The residents of this Tamil Nadu city are capable of living a concord, liberal and harmonic nature. Bove every creed, nationality, and politics, there is an unsung peace and calmness in the air. The main motto of its discovery is unity among humans. Auroville Village

The foundation era.

The foundation of Auroville was laid down on 28th February 1968 by Mirra Alfassa (also known as ‘The Mother’. She was a core follower of the Sri Aurobindo Society. Growing under his guidance and principles, she established his place as a wonderland of equality. Apart from her existence, people called her the divine traitor of Sri Aurobindo who had held the belief that “Man is an impermanent being”. The amazing architecture of Auroville was designed by Roger Anger.

A unique belief and concept.

Mirra believed that the collective community of the Auroville city would subsidize resolutely to Indian rebirth. According to her, this community can significantly contribute to increment in unity among humans. Further, this communalism was considered to bring the people together for the accomplishment of goodwill and desire for a superior world.

The different thoughts.

Talking about specificity, Auroville doesn’t belong to anybody. It is just whole about humanity. An individual must be the enthusiastic servitor of heavenly perception to live in Auroville. Some of the important attributes of Auroville are as follows:

  • People living in this region are the original residents from over 50 nations.
  • There are people of nearly all age groups, cultures, and classes.
  • The population of Auroville stands adjacent to 2400 people.

The central ‘Matramandir’

The residents of Auroville are believers of truth apart from spiritual opinion. Along with wide infrastructure and many buildings in the nearest region, Auroville has a central dome famous as “Matramandir”. It is the holy place where people practice spiritual exercises and yoga. Moreover, this central is equal to everyone. There is no particular owner or religion of this central place of composure.

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