World’s Most Expensive Cheese ‘pule’ is Made From Donkey’s Milk.


Cheese is one of the special edible and is loved by most of us. Even if it is a bit costlier than other dairy products, eating cheese is enjoyable on special occasions. To get your tongue flavored with a scrumptious taste of cheddar or parmesan, you may find the best cheese shop in your area. World’s Most Expensive Cheese

But have you ever wondered that the prices of cheese can be so high like the gold? To mention it directly, Have you ever tasted the world’s most expensive cheese? The answer being yes or no, let us discern more about this affluent brand of cheese.

The ‘Pule’ cheese.

This variety of cheese is not only very rare but the costlier one among all other dairy products. Pule cheese is made from a donkey’s breed of Serbia named Balkan. The cheese is produced as a mixture of 60% cheese of Balkan donkey with 40% of goat’s milk. This quality of the cheese is mainly produced in a nature reserve at Zasavica. This firm is owned by Slobodan Simić who is both manager and former MP of Serbia.

Presently, the pule cheese holds the honor of being called as “most expensive cheese of the world”. Having a cost of US $800 per kilogram, it is the rarest of other cheese varieties. It is because in Serbia there are only approx. 100 of this donkey’s species to milk for the production of this cheese. Milk from only species of Balkan donkeys is used for making pule cheese.

It requires nearly 26 liters of donkey’s milk to make at least one kilogram or 2.2 pounds of this pricey cheese. One might have ate the expensive dishes at some of the world’s top-class restuarents including a burger (pricing $5,000) at Las Vegas or the egg layered omelet at a lavish hotel in New York. But the one with heavy pockets and having an expensive taste can get fascinated with this expensive and tasty cheese. They can accomplish their desire to eat this Lavoisier piece of food just by visiting Serbia and taking a bite out of it. World’s Most Expensive Cheese

Some unusual considerations.

Apart from its ironic taste, this white flakey cheese is considered to taste similar to that of manchego cheese in Spain. One can easily get the manchego cheese in supermarkets of Britishers at a relatively cheaper rate, i.e, of £13 per kg. If considering the pule going out of your budget, can opt for this Spanish cheese to taste somewhat alike. Some other facts include:

  • The national reserve responsible for the production of this cheese also produces the bottled donkey’s milk.
  • The bottled milk has got a special tag line by its customers, i.e, “a beauty furtive of Cleopatra”.
  • It is believed that in ancient times, the renowned queen of Egypt used this asses’ milk to take bath daily.
  • This milk is has a satisfactory amount of vitamin C. It is best to feed even for a newborn human baby.
  • Turning the donkey’s milk into heese is not an easy task. The task becomes hectic due to the absence of casein in this milk which is the main factor for coagulation.

Some other cheeses, that are less costlier than pule comprise Caciocavallo Podolico cheese (cheese obtained from a rare Italian cow’s breed which only gives milk during months of may and june) and Swedish moose cheese ( having a cost of around £630 per kilogram). Simic by producing the rare cheese and bottle milk is not only benefitting himselves, but also the donkey’s breed.

The Balkan donkeys were considered to be at the brim of getting extinct for a long time. Simic has helped them sustain and grow their territory out of the extinction phase. World’s Most Expensive Cheese

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