A girl child who discovered seven asteroids for NASA.


Our country is full of brilliant people, being in the area of education, astrology, industrialization, etc. The count of putting intellect for improving and discovering something does not only range up to adults. girl child who discovered seven asteroids But it is now even passing through the kids.

With the emerging science and technology, new ways of inventions and learning things are making out a path for small brains to grow more. Ne such innovative mind is of a seven-year-old girl who has discovered seven asteroids for NASA. We would learn more about this wonderful girl in this article.

The vivid small girl.

Nicole Oliveira is a Brazilian who lives in Alagoas with her small family. She is a seven-year-old girl who is known to have discovered seven space asteroids for NASA. With such an innovation, Nicole has not got the title of “the World’s youngest astronomer”. a girl child who discovered seven asteroids

This little girl seems to be innocent and small enough to lead up such a great discovery. But yup! She has managed to do one. This seven-year-old girl is so talented and has a great love for astronomy. Even if it is hard to believe for adults, this child has learned many astronomical aspects, tools, and techniques to explore much about space. a girl child who discovered seven asteroids

More about her little mind.

Oliveira has not managed to enter the field of astronomy only by herself, but it was her mother who initially helped her out to develop her fascination for stars and heavenly bodies. When she was in the second year of her age, asked her mother together with a star. a girl child who discovered seven asteroids

Instead of giving any explanation, Zilma Janacá (Oliveira’s mother) got er toy stars. It was from this phase only, her mother observed that her daughter has a keen interest in space and stars.

At age of five, Oliveira’s parents made her participate in the ‘Asteroid Hunt’ citizen science program. This event was run and organized by the International Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC). Fortunately, NASA is a member organization of IASC. a girl child who discovered seven asteroids

Due to this, Olieveiera got a certificate from NASA itself. This achievement got the little girl motivated to learn more about space. She learned many interesting and associated facts about the celestial bodies present in-universe and started working over them with little effort.

The IASC event as a primary step.

To take part in the asteroid hunt, Oliviera was required to show her amazing skill to be rewarded which she comfortably depicted. She helped the astronauts to discover seven asteroids. For this, she was awarded a certificate as a reward. a girl child who discovered seven asteroids

This certificate was not merely a vote of appreciation but a key to her dreams. As per a report by the Brazilian media website, Nicole has a dream to become an astronaut and serve space technology with the best she can do.

Achievments of Ms. Nicole.

This small girl has not only achieved this certification for discovering seven asteroids but is long enough to get you fascinated to learn more about her. Apart from this discovery, Nicole has also departed lectures in various schools and institutions related to astronomy. girl child who discovered seven asteroids

Even in times of the Covid-19 pandemic, she carried on her classes online for her students. She delivered her first lecture in the First International Seminar on Astronomy and Aeronautics held by the ministry of science and technology and innovation in Brazil. Nicole is also the owner of a youtube channel where she teaches facts about astronomy.

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