The Scientific Reason Behind People’s love for Music.


In either of the ways, listening to music hasn’t subsidized our descendants, so why would have they cared? Although from a developmental viewpoint, music doesn’t define our thought, neither it makes any sense but each of us has got our reasons to love music why people love music. Let us get acknowledged why we have such fascination for music through this blog.

Experimental study.

In 2011, a study was carried out in Valerie Salimpoor, where the people were asked to make a playlist of their desired tracks. While playing their favorite songs, the scientists along with a team of neuro physicians, supervised the actions going on in their brains. As per their observation, music was suspected to elicit the release of dopamine, a biochemical present in the brain which was called off as the main reason for feeling good after listening to the music. Even though it was the first experiment that revealed such a fact about the music, many other experiments were carried forward to get a relation of people’s love with paintings and art forms.

Moreover, this study provided us a clear understanding of the association of music with relieving the stressful state of mind. Not only the listening but shaking your organs along with the beats may take a calmness out of tension for you. The incredible musical moments make you free of various low-feeling emotions.

What is dopamine?

It is the type of neurotransmitter present in your brain that is used by your nervous system to deliver messages amongst nerve cells. This chemical messenger plays an important role in making us feel the pleasure around us which makes it one of the chief hormone in our body. Also, it plays an immense share of our sole capability to think and act, focusing, striving, or taking interest in activities. Some important aspects about dopamine are as follows:

  • It is considered a “feel good” chemical messenger.
  • It is released under the situations like motivation, getting a reward, listening to music, etc.
  • This chemical helps in maintaining mood swings, pain-processing, digestion, the flow of blood, etc.
  • It is spreader along four main pathways occurring in the brain.
  • In case its amount gets lower or in excess, the emergence of health problems could be observed. Some of them may even affect you seriously including Parkinson’s disease as one of them.
  • It is an important part of the brain which is responsible to make you feel happy under any good conditions.

Mechanism of dopamine release and action. why people love music

As already discussed, dopamine even in a lower amount can make the person excited about playing his favorite song, even without having being started. This condition was thereby considered as the “anticipatory phase of listening”. It is believed by scientists that this part of the brain is convoluted in producing known replying to stimuli.

Theories for music love.

a) Following the pattern.

Apart from enjoying the beats, it is determined that our body recognizes the pattern of beats, after which it starts predicting in the song about what would be the next. Further, the music itself is a pattern. We are always pretty sure of the harmonies, music, chord, or lyrics. Soon hearing the chord’s initiation, recalling one after another chord makes you feel relaxed.

b) Fooling the brain.

The music is efficiently capable of befooling you by thinking it a speech. The more pleasing sound can eventually lead to higher standard of entertainment. Also, the music handles the different regions of the brain adjusted to the brain which further helps in conveying each of our emotions. Hence, recalling the favorite track, your brain starts befooling your actions and puts you into a state of pleasure.

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