Max Weber Power And Authority Sociology UPSC Notes.


Max Weber Power And Authority.


  • According to sociologists, Power is defined as the ability of an individual or group of individuals to accomplish their desires and implement their conclusions and ideas. Max Weber Power And Authority
  • Power comprises the capability to impact the behavior of others even against their will.
  • Max stated power as a characteristic of social relationships that discusses the possibility of imposing one’s decision or will upon the behavior of another individual.
  • Power can be observed in the marketplace, at social gatherings, on a lecture stage, in a sports stadium, and during scientific discussions.
  • For instance, giving ‘daan’ to a beggar is an indirect way of exercising your more economic power.


  • Weber used the German word “Herrschaft”, which has been variously transformed by many sociologists as ‘authority’, ‘domination ‘command’.
  • The term ‘Herrschaft’ states a situation wherein a ‘Herr’ or master dominates/commands others.
  • According to Raymond Aron, Herrschaft is the master’s ability to get respect from those who are indebted to him. Max Weber Power And Authority

Power vs authority.

Power is the ability to control another whereas Authority refers to legitimized power. Legitimized power means that the master has the right to dominate and can expect to be followed. Max Weber Power And Authority

For the existence of authority, the following elements should be essentially present:

i) An individual as a ruler or a group of rulers/masters.

ii) An individual/group that is ruled.

iii) The will of the leader to impact the behavior of the ruled (that may be conveyed through

commands). Max Weber Power And Authority

iv) Proof of the impact of the rulers in terms of obedience shown by the ruled.

v) Direct or indirect confirmation showing that the ruled have accepted the fact that the ruler’s commands must be followed.

According to Weber, there are three systems of legitimation, each with its analogous rules, which explain the power to command. Further, these systems of legitimation are labeled as the following types of authority: Max Weber Power And Authority

Charismatic Authority.

  • ‘Charisma’ refers to an extraordinary quality possessed by some individuals.
  • This authority gives unique powers to individuals to capture the devotion of ordinary people.
  • Charismatic authority is centered on extraordinary devotion to a person and to the way of life addressed by this person.
  • The charismatic leader ‘proves’ his/her power through miracles, military, etc. As long as these leaders continue to ‘prove’ their miraculous powers in the eyes of their followers, their authority stays intact.
  • Charismatic authority is not organized. Thus, there is no salaried staff or organizational setup.

Rational-legal Authority

  • Rational-legal Authority refers to a system of authority, which are both, rational and legal.
  • This authority is assigned to a regular administrative staff who operate under certain written rules and laws.
  • Those who exercise such authority are selected to do so based on their achieved qualifications, which are prearranged and organized.
  • Authorized persons are paid a salary.
  • This authority is a typical characteristic of modern society i.e, the reflection of the process of rationalization

Traditional Authority.

  • The traditional authority is based on regular law and the sacredness of ancient traditions.
  • This authority is based on the belief that a certain authority is to be respected as it has existed since ancient times.
  • In this authority, rulers enjoy personal authority under their hereditary status.
  • It is an inherited authority and does not require transcribed rules.
  • According to Weber,  this kind of authority is irrational. Hence, rarely found in modern industrialized societies.

Also, Read: Max Weber Ideal Types Sociology UPSC Notes.