Why is India so Dusty than Others.


 We have a very curious seasonal climate. In monsoon, the land is completely wet for 4 months which gives drift for the growth of plant life. This creates cracks in the rocks and soil (due to the roots of-course). And then we face 8 months of dry climate where all of these so-called weeds(unwanted plants) die leaving behind the soil and rock ready to be worn by the wind, this is known as denudation.

 Anyhow, this cycle has been going on in our country for a long period, causing a lot of destruction and the creation of dust particles.

Plus the winds that blow from the Arabian desert acquire us a gift of tons and tons of light sand which gets collected in western India.

How to overcome this problem.

To decrease this problem we should plant more evergreen trees that hold on to the ground for a longer time in comparison to the grass and shrubs.

we can take efforts to harvest the tremendous amount of rainwater we receive and use this water to keep the land a little more moist throughout the year.

But in other countries rain is not only seasonal. So trees get a sufficient amount of water to grow and they prevent soil erosion and prevent the land from cracks.

India is majorly a warm country. When the temperature is high, 

dust is loose and wind density is low too. This Dust can be easily carried with the wind. It goes everywhere not just on roads, but in houses, offices, and everywhere.

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