10 fastest working medications for anxiety


Our body is capable of eliciting several natural responses to our emotional state under different situations. One of such states of mind is “stress”. As soon as the human body gets onto this emotion, starts reacting, resulting in certain physical and emotional responses.

Anxiety, a feeling of dismay, fear, and nervousness can be considered a normal reaction of the body towards stress. This feeling of fear and anxiety affects the day-to-day actions which are difficult to control.

However, going through anxiety is a common part of life, but its upsurged level worsens the condition and can last a long time. Its signs and symptoms may start during childhood or the teen years and remain up to adulthood.

Certain examples of anxiety disorders comprise social anxiety disorder (social phobia), separation anxiety disorder, specific phobias, Panic disorder, agoraphobia, and generalized anxiety disorder.

Even though a person may opt for exercises, meditation, and avoiding places or situations to prevent these feelings, but severe cases such as if anxiety results from a medical condition need quick treatment

Medication for anxiety can help you to weaken the interference with your ability to function caused due to panic attacks—especially as a short-term treatment. Undoubtedly, these medications can ease symptoms, but are not suitable for everyone, as they may result in some side effects depending on the immune response varying from person to person. It’s up to you to evaluate your choices and select what’s best for you.

Here we have brought you the list of some fastest working medications for instant anxiety relief.

1. Celexa (citalopram)

As per the American Academy of Family Physicians, antidepressants are mostly preferred as the first line of the cure for any anxiety disorder. They are sub-classified as SSRIs (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and SNRIs (Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors).

  • Celexa is a low-priced anti-stress used as a therapeutic medicine for anxiety.
  • Acts by preventing the serotonin from being reabsorbed back into the nerve cells which was released previously.
  • Helping you improve your energy level and feelings of well-being, may take a few weeks to get you fully in a healthy state.
  • Some mild side effects may be noticeable depending upon age and other factors of the consumer.

2. Venlafaxine.

Venlafaxine is an SNRI, used to treat some major anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, and panic disorder.

  • Traded under the brand label Effexor.
  • Can also provide relief in chronic pain. 
  • Improves your mood and energy level and may help bring back your concentration in day-to-day living. 
  • It restores the balance of some natural substances (mainly hormones- serotonin and norepinephrine) in your brain and helps your body relieving depression and anxiety. Serotonin and norepinephrine are two main hormones, regulating few aspects of brain function including sleep, mood, and emotion, and thereby, are responsible for stress-related emotions.

3. Valium (diazepam).

Diazepam acts as an anxiolytic. It belongs to the benzodiazepine family and is generally used to cure conditions, including anxiety, insomnia, benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome, and several others.

  • It may be used alone or with a combination of other doses.
  • Has some common side effects comprising drowsiness, tiredness, loss of coordination, and muscle weakness.
  • Instant medical help is recommended in case of persistence of any health issue 

4. Aplenzin.

Also known as bupropion is a prescribed medication for anxiety and depression.

  • Sold under brand labels Wellbutrin and Zyban among others.
  • Mainly used as an antidepressant.
  • Works by restoring the balance of hormones namely norepinephrine and dopamine in your brain.
  • Dosage of Aplenzin is based upon your medical condition and the response of your body to the treatment.

5. Amitril.

Amitril(also Amitriptyline) belongs to the ‘tricyclic antidepressants’ family of medicines and is used as a treatment for anxiety disorder, depression, and neuropathic pain.

  • It regulates anxiety and depression by balancing the release of chemical messengers i.e. serotonin and/or norepinephrine in the brain that converses between brain cells.
  • It may take a few weeks or an extended period to make you feel completely healthier.
  • This medication is also effective in the treatment of, post-herpetic neuralgia (stabbing pains or aches) and eating disorders.

6. Ativan (lorazepam).

By enhancing the activity of a neurotransmitter in the brain, benzodiazepines generate a relaxing effect in the body, thereby helping in relieving the anxiety of well-being.

  • Shows an instant effect.
  • Can relieve anxiety for several hours (short-term effect).
  • It is the prescribed drug mainly for people going through panic, social or generalized anxiety disorder.
  • There are possibilities of you getting addicted to benzodiazepines, hence the instructions of your doctor must be properly followed for tapering off its consumption.
  • For more info you can visit this side On-Callmedics.

7. Buspirone (BuSpar).

Buspirone is an anxiolytic medicine generally used to cure generalized anxiety disorder. This drug can help you think more clearly with ease, lessening your worry.

  • Often prescribed with an antidepressant, that also helps you to feel less nervous and irritated.
  • It can control the stressful symptoms including trouble sleeping, sweating, and pounding heartbeat.
  • Its mechanism of action involves balancing natural substances in the brain i.e. neurotransmitters.

Since this medicine has certain side effects varying from person to person, you should never take BuSpar as the medication, if not prescribed by the doctor. Some of its side effects include Headaches, Light-headedness, Trouble sleeping, Nausea, Dizziness, and several others.

8. Hydroxyzine (Atarax, Vistaril).

Hydroxyzine is another prescription to treat anxiety. Generally, it is used in the treatment of anxiety, decreased activity of the brain, and nausea, but it also works to cure allergic reactions.

  • It is an anti-histamine.
  • Balances the effect of the natural chemical histamine in your body.
  • Having the same effect as that of benzodiazepines, this drug doesn’t cause any addiction either for short-term or long-term use.
  • Traded under the brand tags Atarax and Vistaril and several others.
  • Some common side effects comprise headaches, dry mouth, and sleepiness.

One should avoid the intake of hydroxyzine if allergic to cetirizine (Zyrtec) or levocetirizine (Xyzal) and suffering from a long QT syndrome.

9. Beta-blockers

Beta-blockers are chiefly recommended for high blood pressure but are found useful in treating anxiety, phobias, or panic illnesses. Even though these drugs are frequently used as a medication for anxiety, are also good for some other physical sicknesses such as sweating, shakiness, and fastening of sthe heartbeat.

  • Can be used for only short-term event-related anxiety.
  • Don’t affect emotive and mental traits of anxiety.

10. Cymbalta.

Cymbalta sold under the brand name duloxetine is an additional prescribed medication for anxiety and depression. It belongs to the class of SNRIs and is also effective against fibromyalgia, nerve pain, and stress urinary evacuation in females.

Alternatives to medication for anxiety relief.

Apart from drugs taken in severe cases of anxiety, it should be kept in mind that only medications are not the permanent solution to treat anxiety in cases of personal uncertainties. These are the situations where counseling and lifestyle changes can prove helpful. Some non-medicine treatments can produce long-lasting relief.

Mental behavioral therapy– It can help to teach you about how to conquer your fears and manage your anxiety levels with ease.

Yoga– Yoga helps your body to attain a mental peace and a healthy lifestyle. It engrosses you psychologically, internally, and emotionally. It is scientifically proven that yoga can help to relieve the fear and anxiety emotions in the human body.

Meditation is a must– Meditation is a technique through which you can perceive your actions, feelings, thoughts and behaviour in a considerate way. It helps you interconect with your eternal soul and builds up your self-esteem to overcome the fear and panic attacks.

Exercise – Doing exercises can do wonders for your anxiety treatment. Research shows that doing  regular workouts can work as effectively as intake of drugs.